Your Talent Discovery is Completed

Maksim, well done in completing your Talent Discovery! The talents listed below are the talents most significant in you, and they can help you understand which behavior, thoughts, and feelings come most naturally to you. If you learn to leverage these talents, you will be able to reach untapped potential, and you will feel more motivated and energized in whatever work or task you do.

What you see below is a snippet of the full report. The full report includes insights into:

For The Full Report



You are an expert in coordinating people and information. Be able to manage complex assignments and finding perfect configurations motivate you. You are driven by responsibility and being allowed to lead and delegate tasks between team members. You work efficiently, flexibly, and can adjust to solve the assignment in the most effective way.


You are fascinated by the differences in people and can notice the unique qualities of each individual. You can instinctively observe how each person is motivated, builds relationships, and thinks, thus their potential and opportunities for development.


All you see is potential in people and progress. You are drawn to growth and are driven by helping others experience success. While interacting with people, you are on the lookout for signs of growth, as it is your fuel.


You are always in the pursuit of achieving or accomplishing goals. You work hard and get things done. Your talent explains your drive, and it pushes you to do more and to achieve more. By being targeted, you focus on the goal and what is essential to achieve. Once you meet your goal, you quickly set up the next objective to pursue.


Your mind is made to create ideas, to look for connections, and to view the world from different angles and perspectives. You are driven by finding a fresh perspective, discovering a new opportunity, or finding a different solution. You are generally perceived as creative or original thinking.


You love to learn, and the process of obtaining new knowledge, practising what you have learned, growing it into competences, and gaining the confidence in your skill excites you. The outcome or the subject is not necessarily important, but the process is.


The connecting talent describes your attitude towards relationships. You prefer having close friends and like to get to know people on a deeper level as everything else seems superficial to you. You dare to give from your inner self to build your connection and make it easier for them to open up.


You look for agreements and common grounds because there is little to be gained from conflicts and friction, so you prefer keeping them to a minimum. You find it much more essential to create harmony and cooperation.


You include and welcome people to whatever you are doing and make them feel welcome. This way, everybody feels like part of the group, and the group benefits from all their support. You are sure that deep down, we are all alike, and therefore it doesn't make sense to judge or exclude other people.


Your talent makes you value knowledge, information, and sufficient data before making a decision. It is your basis for thoroughness and precision. It also makes you critical, challenging, and demanding of evidence towards other people's decisions. You are driven by things that are or can be thoroughly analyzed and well worked out.


You can sense the emotions of the people around you and are driven by understanding those people you interact with. You can see the world through their eyes, and without necessarily condoning their choices, you can understand them.


You are driven by initiating and starting new tasks and projects. You want to get started as quickly as possible while you still have many things going on. You don't like to use too much time on analyzing as you know deep down that only action can lead to performance. Once a decision is made, you have to act. You believe that getting started is the best way to learn, because once you take action, you look at the result, and learn before your next move.